Anatomy of a Murder

which Your Honor
has ruled admissible...

the prosecution asks for
a 30-minute recess...

in order to bring in another witness
we had not anticipated using?

All right.
We'll take a 30-minute recess.

Why didn't you tell me
about that rosary?

I forgot it.
We didn't forget it. Manny said maybe
we shouldn't tell that again.

It might have looked like something
else-- like I didn't believe her.

- How much more didn't you tell me?
- We told you everything else.

Is that right, Laura?
Oh, yes, everything else.
Now get this, both of you.
When you get up on that stand,
I want you to tell the truth.

I don't want you to tell anything
but the truth.

Don't try and lie or conceal anything
or you get skinned alive.

This fellow Dancer's gonna move in.
Dr. Dompierre, did you have occasion
to come to the county jail...

on the night of August 1 5 this year?
- I did.
- Who called you to the jail?

- The police authorities.
- What did they want you to do?

They wanted me to make a test
for the presence of sperm...

on the person
of a Mrs. Frederick Manion.

- I made the test.
- What was your conclusion?

- Negative. There was none.
- Your witness.

In making these tests, did you notice
any bruises or marks on Mrs. Manion?

I did.
Were you asked to determine
the reason for these bruises?

- I was not.
- Where did you do the lab work?

St. Margaret's Hospital
in the city.
