Anatomy of a Murder

I remember my throat was so dry
it hurt.

And when I put the glass down,
I saw the gun on the kitchen sink...

beside the tap.
I noticed the gun was empty.
Now, I'd like you to show
the court and jury...

just how you knew
this gun was empty.

Well, this gadget here...
when it sticks up,
you know the last round's been fired.

On the night of the shooting,
did you love your wife?

- Yes, sir.
- Do you still love her?

Very much.
The witness is yours, Mr. Dancer.
How many men have you killed?
Now, wait a minute!
Your Honor, a man's war record--
in Lt. Manion's case, a great record--

certainly shouldn't be used
against him.

I'm as patriotic as the next man...
but the simple truth is,
war can condition a man...

to killing other men.
I simply want to determine
how conditioned the lieutenant may be...

to the use of firearms
on other human beings.

I don't like the question, Mr. Biegler,
but I don't see how I can exclude it.

Let him answer.
I know I killed
at least four men in Korea--

three with a hand grenade...
and one with my service automatic.
I may have killed others.
A soldier doesn't always know.

Now, Lieutenant,
in these acts of killing...

did you ever have a lapse of memory such
as you had when you killed Barney Quill?

- No, sir.
- Did you ever have one during battle?

- No, sir.
- Were you ever submitted...

to a constant barrage,
constantly in a sweat for many hours...

- constantly under attack or attacking?
- Many times.

Were you ever treated for shell shock,
battle fatigue, neuroses or psychoses?

- No, sir.
- Did you ever experience...

any unusual mental state
during the war?

Well, I do remember having
one great urge.

- What was that?
- To get the hell out and go home.

You would do well to consider
the seriousness...

of the situation you're in.
