Ningen no joken I

Tomorrow means a new month
of still higher production goals

The Directors have even discussed
replacement of all top men here

l will accept this disgrace if
production increase is impossible

However, we have not yet
done our utmost

Until we attain the 20% production
increase demanded of us

Are there any dissenting opinions?
ln the name of final victory, l refuse
to listen to any of your excuses!
Mr. Koike... tell him he has my word
l, Okazaki, vow that Pit No. 1
will top the new goal

And l'm sure you've no objections
regarding my methods

Do as you think best!
The goal must be achieved

Understand? Lash them on
with still greater fury

Any Chinaman who shirks may be killed
Push them! Whip them!
We need that extra 20% !

Men who top their quota
will be amply rewarded

Remember! We're at war here... at war!
Anyone here feel he can't do this?
Good! Give 'em everything you have
l'll assume all responsibility
Starting tomorrow, you will go to work
Rations will be kaoliang and bean-lees
