Ningen no joken I

relieved of all responsibility
for the prisoners?

Tell me!
Who paid you the money?
Okishima favors aggressive measures
but Kaji always vetoes him.

Meaning he gives tacit
consent to the runways?

l wouldn't say that ...
but it does all seem rather suspicious.

There is one way
we can teach them a lesson.

Let them plan another break .
and we'll foil them,

With your permission, l'd like to try.
Sounds interesting! lf it brings
results, l'll try anything,

Give it a try,
Boss's orders ...
flour and oil rations

for just the Japanese ... of course!
l'm sure you don't approve.
l do not!
Unfortunately' however,
you're not the manager.

lt's fortunate for you that l'm not!
Mr. Kaji! lt's Mr. Okishima ...
Kill the rat!
