Ningen no joken I

l won't report the incident.
lf it leaks out,
l'll assume all responsibility.

l know it's not all your fault.
You think someone shut off the power?
l couldn't say.
How about a Japanese night shift?
We couldn't ... without evidence.
Should l increase the night watch?
l'd have to check each night
to see if they're on duty.

Eighteen men ... that's a big loss!
l've achieved our new production goal
and l want no trouble of such nature.
May l report that Okishima is herewith
relieved of all responsibility
for the prisoners?

Tell me!
Who paid you the money?
Okishima favors aggressive measures
but Kaji always vetoes him.

Meaning he gives tacit
consent to the runways?

l wouldn't say that ...
but it does all seem rather suspicious.

There is one way
we can teach them a lesson.
