Our Man in Havana

Everything under control, Lopez?
- Had a good day, Father?
- Not so bad. And you?

I got top marks today in dogma,
and in morals.

- But I did best on venial sin.
- I dare say.

- Got this for your collection.
- Thank you.

I've asked Dr. Hasselbacher
for your birthday.

I thought we might go to a nightclub.
- Can we go to the Shanghai theater?
- Certainly not.

I can't think
how you've even heard of the place.

At school things get around.
Do you mind if the potatoes all have eyes?
I got them at a bargain price.
They'd rather look that way, don't they?

Have you decided
what you want for your birthday?

Really and truly, there's nothing I want.
Did you know
it's much cheaper to buy mustard in a tube?

- I'm starting an economy drive.
- Milly, you've been shopping.

There is one thing I want. I thought
we might count it as a Christmas present.

And next year's, and the year after that.
Now, don't tell me you want a Jaguar.
Oh, no. Not a car. This would last for years.
It might, in a way, save petrol.
Milly, what have you bought?
You must know?
Where's the horse?
She's awfully cheap.
I got all the accessories on credit.

You haven't any credit. I had to lend you $3
for that pendant of St. Seraphina.

- Guess what she's called.
- How can I?

