Plan 9 from Outer Space

What will their next move be ?
Your space commander has returned from Earth.
Send him in.
You have your report ?
We had to pull in here to
Space Station 7 for regeneration.

We're returning to the planet Earth
immediately thereafter.

-What progress has been made ?
-We contacted government officials.

They refuse over existence.
What plan will you follow now ?
Plan 9. It's been absolutely impossible to work through these Earth creatures.
Their soul is too controlled.
Plan 9...ah yes. Plan 9 deals
with the resurrection of the dead.
Long-distance electrodes shot into the pinion
pituitary glands of recent dead.

Have you attempted any of this plan as yet ?
-Yes Excellency.

How successful has it been ?
We have risen two so far.
We shall be just as successful on more.

The living...they have no suspicion of your movements ?
We had to dispose of one policeman.
However, none of those risen have been seen.
At least, not by anyone who still remains alive.

It's too bad it must be handled this way. However it must.
Those who take from the grave will lead the way for our other operations.
Yes, Excellency.
-Continue on. Report to me

in two Earth days.
I feared His Excellency wouldn't take our report this well.
Well had he been dealing with our own people
his reaction would have been completely different.

He understands the difficulties of the Earth race.
What do you think will be the next obstacle
the Earth people will put in our way?

Well, as long as they can think we'll have our problems.
But those whom we're using cannot think. They are the dead.
Brought to a simulated life by our electrode guns.
