Rio Bravo

It was probably my fault he cheated.
He liked to buy me things.
-Then why did you leave him?
-I didn't.

He left me rather suddenly.
He was caught just like that man tonight...
...only his luck had run out.
He was shot.
You've had a rough time.
You're wrong, Sheriff.
I've had a good time.

I liked gambling.
We went everywhere,
had the best of everything.

I didn't know that he was cheating
until they caught him.

If I had known, it might have been rough.
That's probably why he didn't tell me.
When did this happen?
About four months ago.
Since then I've been working...
:48:54 get enough money for stage fare.
You going home?
I haven't any.
Senor Chance!
I didn't know you were here.
Why do you not tell me?

You should be in bed.
Last night you slept just a little bit.

But tonight, you will sleep well.
I will watch.

No, Carlos, you stay out of it.
I don't want anybody else helping me.
This is my hotel...
...and you are a guest under my roof.
And I will not be told what I shall do
and what I shall not do.

-All right, Carlos.
-What you do?

I'll sleep in the jail.
But you can't sleep....
Bueno, senor.
There's no need to watch.
I'm a light sleeper.

I'll lock the door
and hook a chair under the knob.

Anybody tries to get in, I'll hear them.
-One thing.

If I'm asleep at sunup, wake me.
-But it's not enough.
-Will you?

Bueno, senor. I say no more.
Have a good sleep.

I don't want to meddle in your business.
I'm going to turn in.
If I don't see you in the morning, so long.
So long.
By the way, where are you going?
