Rio Bravo

Senor Chance!
I didn't know you were here.
Why do you not tell me?

You should be in bed.
Last night you slept just a little bit.

But tonight, you will sleep well.
I will watch.

No, Carlos, you stay out of it.
I don't want anybody else helping me.
This is my hotel...
...and you are a guest under my roof.
And I will not be told what I shall do
and what I shall not do.

-All right, Carlos.
-What you do?

I'll sleep in the jail.
But you can't sleep....
Bueno, senor.
There's no need to watch.
I'm a light sleeper.

I'll lock the door
and hook a chair under the knob.

Anybody tries to get in, I'll hear them.
-One thing.

If I'm asleep at sunup, wake me.
-But it's not enough.
-Will you?

Bueno, senor. I say no more.
Have a good sleep.

I don't want to meddle in your business.
I'm going to turn in.
If I don't see you in the morning, so long.
So long.
By the way, where are you going?
Some place where
there aren't any handbills.

That thing keeps popping up.
That's why I'm a little touchy about it.

I know the sheriff that got these out.
I'll write him a letter, get them called in.
Then you won't have people like me
making trouble for you.

