North to Alaska

Sam! Don't!
Sam! No! Oh!
Big drinker, huh?
Big drinker!
Well, drink!

Take that wagon down
to the sluice boxes...

and unload it, like you should
have done yesterday!

Yes, sir.
Oh, Clancy, if only
Sam would look at me...

with your eyes...
but he will.

I will make him look at me
the way you do.

We got to get out of here.
George'll be back pretty soon.
I'm almost ready.
Help me button my blouse.

Why don't you get one
that buttons down the front?

Would it be easier
for you to button up?

Shut up, you fleabag...
or I'll dump you in the creek.
Don't be angry, Sam.
You're really very nice.

Did you ever realize you were?
I realize we've got to
get out of here...

because George is coming back.
George is back!
Oh, hello, George.
What the hell's goin' on here?
Who is this dame?
A friend.
Angel, this is George Pratt.

Jenny couldn't make it...
but this tramp could, huh?
George, let me explain.
Get off that bed!
You and your fancy bloomers, out!
Let me explain!
Her perfume...
She smells like...

I got that forJenny,
and those bloomers.

But you gave them to her?
I was bringing her to you!
I don't want to listen...
For me?

She's French likeJenny.
She's prettier than Jenny.
I was bringing her to you.
Do you think she could take
myJenny's place?
