Kohayagawa-ke no aki

Want sugar in your barley tea?
Never mind, thanks
It's strange, fate
What is?
We wouldn't have met that day
if I had taken the first tram

That's right.
We were fated to meet

Yes, fate is strange.
We hadn't seen each other in 19 years

And to meet at such a place
We've both changed
We met after the bicycle race
Life changes like running water
Our world has really changed
It's disgusting
I miss the old days
Remember that tea shop?
Youmean Hanayashiki.
We went there often

Youtook us on long excursions.
It was such fun

Yes, those viewings of snow scenery
and that firefly chase

Do youremember that moonlit night?
Of course. Youchanged me
from a girl into a woman

It was a long time ago
Yuriko is 21 already
How time flies.
Let's go to Uji one of these days

Yes, let's do that. Take me there
-Shall I prepare sake?
-Thank you
