Kohayagawa-ke no aki

Who is he?
An American with a company in Kobe
She has such friends?
Yes, she's a typist
She receives exotic presents

Oh? Is it safe for her?
Girls nowadays are different
They can take care of themselves
Try some of this black stuff
What is it?
Yuriko received it
She says they're shark eggs
Shark eggs, eh?
The eggs are small for a shark
Yes. Take it home if youlike
We have another can
I see
It's delicious
-Have a drink
-Thank you

What did youdo?
I was shrewd.
I managed to trail the Old Master

Where did he go?
It was an inn called Sasaki
-Youknow the place?

Go on, what was the woman like?
Slender and about 44 or 45
No, she must be about 47 or 48
-Youknow her?
-Never mind

I thought they had cut
their ties during the war

Tell me more
Do they have a daughter
between them?

