La Notte

It's nothing... I'm sorry...
Don't tire yourself. Should we go?
No, please stay
Quite a place, isn't it?
Appalling style, but I never expected
to end in such luxury

I feel a bit of a fraud
Hospitals are getting more like
night clubs

People want a good time to the end
You know, in such cases one craves

I don't like it, but I've developed
a passion for it

They weren't surprised
It's stimulating; it's good for you
Excuse me, I've never dared to
ask your name

My name is Elena
Will you have a drink with us?
No, thank you. Don't tire yourself
with talking

She's not a nurse; just a beauty
to boost morale

Yet beauty is depressing
in certain circumstances

Giovanni, will you pour?
Only for me? What about Lidia?
