One, Two, Three

I'll pick up
a distinguished service medal.

It was awarded to him

And while you're at it,
pin one on yourself.

First-class heel
with oak leaf cluster.

What do you want me to do?
I had enough trouble
getting the guy into jail.

It's gonna be ten times
as tough to get him out!

Don't click your heels.
Schlemmer, I'm going to
need you tonight.

I'll pick you up
in front of your house...

in exactly ten minutes.
Call Ingeborg. Tell her
it's an emergency.

We'll pick her up
in exactly twelve minutes.

Over and out!
Wo fahren Sie hin?
Ost Berlin.
- Papiere.
- American citizen.

What is purpose of your visit?
I'm going to see
Commissar Peripetchikoff...

chairman of
the Russian Trade Commission.

- What for?
- On business.

I represent Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola? You have proof?
Will this do?
I confiscate proof.
Fair enough.
Just return the empties.

OK. Proceed.
If I may say so,
this whole idea is crazy.

It will not work.
I can feel it.

And I'm scared.
Pull yourself together.
That's an order.

Yes, sir.
I'm scared, also.
Not for myself.

I only worry something
will happen to my new dress.

I'll buy you
half a dozen dresses.

They're staying at
the Grand Hotel Potemkin.

You know where that is?
It used to be
the Great Hotel Göring...

and before that,
it was the Great Hotel Bismarck.
