Pocketful of Miracles

It's scary. It's like Broadway was naked.
I'm ashamed to look at it.

Hi, Mr Dude, fellas.
Well, the Easter Parade's
a little early this year.

- No panhandlers on Broadway, huh?
- I didn't see 'em before, boss.

- I should drop dead...
- Maybe you should.

It's only an expression.
- Any of you crumbs seen Apple Annie?
- Yeah, I saw her.

One at a time. You.
- It's about Annie.
- What about Annie?

- She's in a pickle.
- Pickled. I can believe that.

Mallethead saw her on the waterfront,
in the water looking.

She was stumblin' along, talkin' to herself.
She was sobbing.
It's good I ran into her.

- So she got a package on.
- It's worse than bein' swacked.

She was swiping stationery
from the Marberry Hotel.

- And writin' letters to her daughter.
- Daughter? That old bag?

She's a woman, ain't she?
- What's this about a daughter?
- Annie's got a daughter in Spain.

Raised in a convent since she was a baby.
- She's comin' to visit, bringing a count.
- She's gonna marry a count or somethin'.

- What is this, a rib?
- Annie sends her money every month.

And we've been lettin' her
shake us down cos we knew.

We all are godfathers.
We all got a piece of the kid.

We figure you're a godfather too.
You got the biggest piece.

- Me?
- You give Annie big tips for her apples.

- It's why her apples were lucky for you.
- We got a business appointment to keep.

- You keep it. Just stall 'em.
- How am I gonna stall 'em?

I'll be along as soon as I get my apple.
Now move it. Move it.

- Where is Annie?
- At her flop. I'll show you.

- Come on, Queenie. She may be sick.
- Not me. I got a date with Howard Porter.

Never mind Howard Porter. I need you.
Maybe Annie needs you too,
the way your old lady did.

- Now, just a minute.
- Move it.

No panhandlers on Broadway! Keep
your mind off that dizzy blonde of yours.

I don't think about her
during the daytime, boss.

Well, if it isn't my dear friend
Dave the Dude and his charming broad.
