The Errand Boy

the very finest premiere
we have had in Hollywood.

Serina only returned to this country
a short time ago,

and this will be
her first public appearance tonight...

Darling, do you believe
what you're watching?

This is the worst piece of junk
and the lousiest performances.

Excitement runs high here tonight.
We're sorry
you couldn't be here in person.

This is really Hollywood. What a night!
And remember, this telecast...
Come on, fellas, let's play cards.
... brought to you by the motion
picture industry's best friend,

the Defunct Insurance Company
of America.

... live coverage of the most important
happenings in America,

such as the bridge championships,
the semi-pro soccer matches

and the annual botany show.
This is your on-the-spot reporter bidding
you goodbye and good insurance.

Darling, a little fan handed me this note.
"I hope you don't mind my writing you,
"but when I first saw you in person,
"that was the day my life was complete."
Here's the key, darling.
"My life was complete and fulfilled.
"And anybody
would love meeting a movie star,

"especially one as lovely,
as talented, as great,

"as warm, as talented..."
