Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

Now you two men shake hands and forget it.
Carry on.
- Question, Cap'n.
- Shoot.

Are we heading for the Pacific?
l'd answer that question, Gleason,
if l could. But l can't.

We certainly are heading someplace fast.
Sir? Maybe home, sir?
l can tell you this: we've been
heading south for the last 25 hours.

Whether we stay on course
depends on the president.

The admiral's still trying to contact him.
As for home... You'll be home with that
new baby on your knee before you know it.

- But what about this burning belt, Captain?
- Captaín, l've just pícked up Míamí.

- That's my home town!
- Hey, what about that, huh?

- Sparks, pipe it through the ship.
- Aye aye, sír.

And the news from París ís just as dísastrous.
The rísíng Seíne has overrun íts banks,
floodíng out thousands of homes
ín the low-lyíng areas.

From Moscow, reports índícate
a severe shortage of water,

as wells from the Ukraíne to the Steppes
all dry up.

ln Chína and lndía, condítíons are chaotíc,
as ríots and pestílence sweep the land.

Meanwhíle, the heat has burned líke
a gíant torch across the face of Afríca.

Terror-strícken herds of wíld anímals, fleeíng
from the blazíng forests to the open plaíns,

are dyíng of thírst around
mud-caked water holes.

Other reports índícate that steamíng waters
from the meltíng North and South Poles

are beíng sucked ínto the aír currents,
spreadíng weírd, freakísh fog banks
throughout the world.

ln many areas, dense fog
severely hampers vítal operatíons.

ln thís country, the blísteríng heat
contínues to blaze a path of destructíon

across the Mídwest graín belt.
The rích farmland of Ameríca
ís now almost a waste...
