Whistle Down the Wind

I can't fix this any road.
Haven't I got another one?

Not clean, you haven't.
Nothing wrong with that, is there?

Well, it's shrunk or something.
That's what's wrong with it.

Anyone'd think
I didn't wash 'em properly.

'Ere. Stand still.
With you and the children, it's
no wonder poor Beatie was laid to rest.

I should think she got fed up with it
between the lot of you. I have.

- All right, don't start on that.
- All right for you. You don't do much.

- No, no.
- It's not my home. And they're not mine.

The way you'd be if you didn't have me,
I don't know.

I am only your sister, of course,
but I've got me feelings, you know.

- There.
- I can't breathe in it.

No. I expect you'll get beer
past it, though.

Come on, you two, bed.
- I haven't finished yet.
- You've finished. Come on.

Auntie said I had to eat slowly.
Never mind that. Put it in your mouth
and get upstairs.

- Night, Dad.
- Night, love.

- Night, Dad.
- Straight up, now.

I have to say good night
to Auntie and Kathy.

Well, say it from there.
Good night, Auntie.
She didn't hear me.
Can I go in and say it?

Look, I'll not tell you again.
- Good night, Kathy.
- Night.

I'm going down there for half an hour.
Don't let her stay up
half the night reading.

Don't tell me, tell her.
She's your daughter.

You heard what she said.
