In Search of the Castaways

He did not mean
it was cold. No.

He meant trango peeray--

- This is the land of many earthquakes.
- Good gracious me.

In the whole world,
no place has such big...

such beautiful, such magnificent
earthquakes as right here.

But it is one chance in a million
we should be so fortunate.

Yes. Yes. Yes, of course.
Quite right.

Besides, this place looks as if
it's been here for hundreds of years.

Doesn't it?
I mean, uh, it's safe to assume...

that it will last
one more night, eh?

- Oui, monsieur?
- Oui, milord.

And I'll wake you up
if one comes, your lordship.

- It worked!
- Oh, Robert, do be quiet.

An earthquake
of the first magnitude.

I say, do you have
to shake the whole place?

By Jove, it's an earthquake!
Outside, everybody!

Oh! Oh, magnificent!
This is an experience that makes
our entire expedition worthwhile.
