
Did you come back for something?
No, Mona's party turned out
to be sort of a drag.

I thought I'd come back
and see what you were doing.

We had a wonderful evening.
Your mother created a magnificent spread.

Did you have something to eat?
They served some kind of salty fish eggs,
but I didn't like 'em.

I'll make you a sandwich.
There's lots of food left over.

That's great. I'm starving.
I don't think she should be stuffing herself
when she should go to sleep.

But, Mom...
...l'm hungry and I've got to have
something to eat.

All right...
...but you take it upstairs
and after you've eaten it...

:33:47 go right to sleep.
Did you have a good time
dancing with Clare Quilty?

Well, of course...
...he's a very erudite gentleman.
Yeah, I know.
All the girls are crazy about him, too.

That's neither here nor there.
Since when?
Here we are, excuse me...
...loaded with mayonnaise,
just the way you like it.

Thank you.
Darling, take it upstairs.
I don't want to go to bed. It's too early.
We all think that Lo should go to bed.
I don't have to. This is a free country.
Which means there will be
no allowance this week.

Which means I think you stink this week.
To bed this instant!
Go to bed.
I heard that.
Goodnight, Lo.
That miserable little brat.
She is becoming impossible,
simply impossible.

The idea of her sneaking back here
and spying on us.

I don't think she was spying on us.
Really? What would you call it?
I'm sure she intended no harm.
