Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation

For instance, I've never loved Katey
as much in my life...

as I have since she enrolled
at that school 900 miles away.

Has it ever occurred to you
that maybe Katey needs you?

Needs me? She gets sick at her stomach
every time she looks at me.

That's exactly what I mean. We're losing our
children, and do you know whose fault it is?

- Ours.
- All right. Where did we fail?

Well, we haven't kept in close touch
with our children.

We haven't actually shared with them
in all of their problems and pleasures.

Honey, I don't know about that.
All I know is that Katey
doesn't need me...

and Susie doesn't need me,
and Janie doesn't need me.

Danny only needs me to pick up
a copy of Playboy for him every month.

That must be Susie.
Hello? Hello, Susie!
She had to talk to Stan about it first.
- You mean you're asking them too?
- Yes, I'll hold it.

Did you notice how pale those children
looked in these last pictures?

Honey, everybody looks pale
in snapshots, even cannibals.

The whole thing's getting out of hand,
with a whole pack of babies joining in.

What do you mean, "whole pack"?
She's got exactly two children.

You sure?
- Come in, Brenda.
- Oh, hello, Brenda.

What did he say, darling?
Oh, he did?
But that would spoil the whole idea.

Your father simply lives
for those children.

And Janie's bringing Junior.
They can all play on the beach together.
How's Peewee?

Oh, she is? Well, she didn't
hurt herself, did she?

As Mr. Hobbs counted up his tribe...
his spirits began to rise
in eager anticipation...

of that happy reunion by the sea.
Doesn't this remind you
of Finland, Brenda?

- Worse.
- Oh, just you wait.

You're going to love it.
Aren't you beginning
to get excited too, Rog?

- Yeah, I think it's gonna be all right.
- You know what we've got to do?

- What?
- This month, while we're all together—

the whole family really living
and playing together—

we've got to teach our children
what a family really is...
