Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation

The whole thing's getting out of hand,
with a whole pack of babies joining in.

What do you mean, "whole pack"?
She's got exactly two children.

You sure?
- Come in, Brenda.
- Oh, hello, Brenda.

What did he say, darling?
Oh, he did?
But that would spoil the whole idea.

Your father simply lives
for those children.

And Janie's bringing Junior.
They can all play on the beach together.
How's Peewee?

Oh, she is? Well, she didn't
hurt herself, did she?

As Mr. Hobbs counted up his tribe...
his spirits began to rise
in eager anticipation...

of that happy reunion by the sea.
Doesn't this remind you
of Finland, Brenda?

- Worse.
- Oh, just you wait.

You're going to love it.
Aren't you beginning
to get excited too, Rog?

- Yeah, I think it's gonna be all right.
- You know what we've got to do?

- What?
- This month, while we're all together—

the whole family really living
and playing together—

we've got to teach our children
what a family really is...

that the members of a family aren't
separate people like passengers on a bus...

but a single unit—
one for all and all for one.

- Don't you think?
- You bet.

And if we can do that, it wouldn't
surprise me one bit if this trip...

brought us all closer together
than we ever dreamed we could be.

You little beast!
- Then keep your big foot off my television set!
- It isn't on your TV!

- You're scratching—
- Mother, have you no control over this child?

- Danny, cut it out!
- All right, break!

You know, I've been reading
in a woman's magazine someplace—

I don't know.
We got one consolation.
In the whole history of the worid,
there's never been a child brought up right.
