Sorpasso, Il

Look at that one with the glasses!
And the guy with that hat!
He's had eight hours of ploughing.

That's how I like you! When you laugh
you're much nicer. Dispose of those sad things.

Do you know what is the most beautiful age?
The age you have now, day after day!
Until you die of course.

I have quite some comrades and acquintances
in Rieti and also in Rome,

but I am starting to find out that it's easier
to become a friend of a complete stranger.

Then listen to this complete stranger:
what is the name of that girl again?

After she returns from vacation, you will accost her
and have a conversation with her!

Don't act so stupid, you'll end up
being a lone wolf in ten years.

Just a sec.
I have to take a leak.
Still I never had a real friend either.
What are you doing here?
Did I give you a fright?
