The 300 Spartans

- How is it?
- It missed the main artery, I think.

We shall see now.
This day will pass in peace.
I see it on the barb.

Blood curdles well.
As always, Megistias,
your omens speak truthfully.

The Persian camp is disrupted.
It'll take them all day to put it together.

- Where's that young fool?
- There.

He... he saved my life, Leonidas.
I know that. He also disobeyed his orders.
In wartime the punishment is death.
You know that.

- Yes.
- So death it will be.

Get him his armour and a red cloak.
That's the only way
for Spartans to die these days.

Half the camp burned!
Myself almost captured! And all by
a handful of Greeks. Where were your men?
