The Counterfeit Traitor

And for the oddest of reasons.
Simply because you gave
up US citizenship in 1930.

When I decided to spend
the rest of my life here,

I thought it only decent
to become a Swedish subject.

Of course.
Are you interested, Mr. Erickson?

That all depends.
- What do I have to do?
- Oh, nothing much really.

Just a businessman
keeping his eyes and ears open.

You know more about German
oil than anyone in Sweden.

And you travel back and forth
on business.

You're making a trip
tomorrow, I believe.

Baron von Oldenbourg,
of the German Oil Commission,

- is an old friend of yours.
- That's right.

You may be able to pick up some
useful information here and there.

Now I think I understand
why I was put on the blacklist.

So I'd be forced
to cooperate with you.

Oh, now, Erickson.
You don't honestly think
we'd do a thing like that?

Oil will undoubtedly be one
of the deciding factors of this war.

When they can't put planes in the air
or tanks into the field, it'll be the end.

You might be able to help.
Being a Swede, I would be violating
my country's neutrality.

If Swedish Security Police find
out about it, they'd throw me in jail.

And we won't be able to help.
For diplomatic reasons we'll
have to say we never heard of you.

And of course, if the Germans
catch you, they'll shoot you.

So you're asking me to risk
my life to get off a blacklist

that I didn't deserve
to be on in the first place.

It's not a very enviable
position, is it?

Collins, I always thought that oil was
a dirty business without scruples.

- But you people are...
- I couldn't care less what you think.

Fortunately, in this work,
people don't have to love each other.
