The Counterfeit Traitor

I called you a dozen times,
but you never answered.

I would think that
you'd finally get the idea

that I want nothing to do with you
or your propositions.

I don't do business with Jews, Gumpel,
so stop bothering me.

That, I think,
was the loneliest moment of my life.

When other people hate you,
it's unfortunate,

but when you hate yourself,
it's unbearable.

And hurting Max the way I did
filled me with self-contempt.

Of course, news that
I'd publicly insulted him

didn't take long to spread.
My wife called me at the office
and berated me for what I had done.

I went home and tried to mollify her,
but it was hopeless.

I couldn't tell her why I had to do it.
I could only plead rather guiltily
for understanding.

All right, you've made your bed,
but don't expect me to share it.

Dear Eric, I cannot believe
you have changed to this extent.

Your outburst this noontime
only strengthens my conviction

that your conduct
has some special hidden purpose.

Because I trust you implicitly,
I shall consider our friendship
only temporarily interrupted.

If I can ever be of help, let me know.
Every good wish. God bless you. Max.
