The Counterfeit Traitor

I could only plead rather guiltily
for understanding.

All right, you've made your bed,
but don't expect me to share it.

Dear Eric, I cannot believe
you have changed to this extent.

Your outburst this noontime
only strengthens my conviction

that your conduct
has some special hidden purpose.

Because I trust you implicitly,
I shall consider our friendship
only temporarily interrupted.

If I can ever be of help, let me know.
Every good wish. God bless you. Max.
They seemed greatly interested.
Providing, of course,
I could give them some promise

of Swedish government approval.
Perhaps if you wrote
a letter to Nordoff...

I have just one question.
What were you doing
at 20 Stortorget last night?

I'm glad my wife didn't ask that.
Yes, infidelity is difficult to explain...
