The Longest Day

Why didn't they attack in May?
The weather was perfect....

An attack now would be embarrassing.
But I don't think we need worry.
Is the plan ready, sir?
Yes, yes, quite finished.
War games...a
...theoretical invasions.h
Rush to Rennes just to push
little flags around a table.

Playing at war!m
Do you win or lose, sir?.
Have I ever lost?
But General, this time you play
the role of Eisenhower.

I win because I go against the rules.
We expect them to cross at the
narrowest part of the Channel...

...and in good weather. But that's
too simple...too obvious.

I choose the widest part, in the
worst weather...and attack here.

In Normandy.y
And in bad weather!h
Like now...n
...bad weather!
Trying to pick a trend is difficult.
From a meteorological standpoint,
conditions almost resemble mid-winter.

And Normandy?d
