The Longest Day

Playing at war!m
Do you win or lose, sir?.
Have I ever lost?
But General, this time you play
the role of Eisenhower.

I win because I go against the rules.
We expect them to cross at the
narrowest part of the Channel...

...and in good weather. But that's
too simple...too obvious.

I choose the widest part, in the
worst weather...and attack here.

In Normandy.y
And in bad weather!h
Like now...n
...bad weather!
Trying to pick a trend is difficult.
From a meteorological standpoint,
conditions almost resemble mid-winter.

And Normandy?d
High winds, clouds,
and some fog over the beaches.

However, I can say with a certain
degree of safety...

...that we can expect a brief period
of fair conditions.

Let me summarize, then.r
What you're promising us is a barely
tolerable period of fair conditions.

Am I right?i
Conditions that are far below
the minimum requirements.

That's all I can promise.
You've done your best, Stagg.
Thank you, gentlemen.

...there it is.o
We've postponed the attack
once already.i

Now, either we go on the 6th,
with only marginal conditions...

...or postpone again...l
:33:51 the hope of getting
perfect conditions.

What do you think, Monty?
I say, go. Go.m
I must remind everybody...i
