Gattopardo, Il

l'm afraid l was too brusque.
Please, forgive me.
But do listen to me:
come to confession !

lt doesn't even cross my mind !
Not today, at least.
l made a few important
political discoveries.

Do you know what's going on
in our country ? Nothing at all.

Just an imperceptible
change in ranks.

The middle-classes
don't want to destroy us,

they just want to take our place,
kindly, though,

maybe slipping a few thousand
ducats in our pockets.

And then, everything
will be the same as ever.

You see, Father, we live
in the country of arrangements.

ln a few words, sir, you plan on
coming to terms with the Liberals.

Even, with the Masons.
At our expense,
at the expense of the Church.

lt is obvious that all our riches,
that actually belong to the poor,

will be grabbed by and split among
the most impudent ringleaders.

What will become of those destitute
the Church feeds and guides ?

How will those desperate
be pacified ? l'll tell you.

We'll give them all your lands,
bit by bit !

Our Lord healed the blind in body,
but what will become
of the blind in spirit ?

We're not blind in spirit,
dear Father.

We're just human beings living
in a world that's changing.

What are we supposed to do ?
