Shin Zatoichi monogatari

What is it?
He was going to kill me.
Who? Your husband...
I didn't want to die by his knife,
so I ran here.

Don't be silly. That coward's
not going to do anything

so bold as killing his wife...
No, it's true,
he threatened me with a knife.

He was just trying to upset you.
I'm not going home!
I'll be killed if I go back.

Don't exaggerate. Not going home?
Where will you go then?

That's what I came
to consult with you about.

Don't be a bore. Try to get along
with your husband. That'll do it.

It's no use.
You are throwing me out.

I'm busy.
What should we do?
What should I do?

I don't care.
I told you never to come to me
with such stupid affairs. Leave!

But l...
If I tell you to beat it, beat it!
