The Long Ships

- Speak for yourself.
- They haven't made the bargain yet.

Well, go and get the reserve barrels!
There is no more ale!
Get out! Stop it! Get out!
You seem to be running out of ale.
More ale, my girl! Quickly.
Orm, my boy, see what's
holding up the ale.

- That's enough! Get out!
- Vahlin, we need more ale.

- No more credit.
- We must have more.

- Money.
- We'll pay, I swear.

- No money, no ale.
- You miserable goat!

What is this?
Get some more ale in there.

Go on, tell him.
A man has to look to his own.
No payment, no ale.

You dare stand there
before your lawful thane and...

- How much?
- Twelve gold pieces.

- I don't want to do this, but...
- My badge.

It's worth 100 times
your miserable 12 pieces. Take it.

Until the king pays me.
I don't want to...
Come on, get these barrels open.
All is well, my liege, plenty of ale.
- Would you like some more, sire?
- No, thank you, Orm.

Your youngest is nearly a man.
Time for him to leave the women
and children and join his brother...

...wherever he may be.
Rolfe, my son.
Why, he's plundering the towns
and villages along the coasts of Barbary.

He's a true Viking. They'll be singing
sagas about him for ages to come.

Enough of him. Now to the business
of my funeral ship.

- And the matter of payment.
- A trifling matter.

