The Long Ships

Orm, my son, see if those thirsty rats
have left a drop of ale.

My mouth feels as if a she-cat
had littered in it.

Please, listen to me.
I want to explain...

I'm not going to listen to you!
I'm a ruined man. An old, broken,
ruined man. Because of you.

Now, Father.
Ship, crew and the loot of Barbary
lost at the bottom of the sea.

- Yet you manage to return.
- I had to return.

Why? To disgrace me?
To shame me in front of Harald?

I had to come back.
Because I need another ship.
What? Another ship?!
- Another ship and another crew.
- By the gods!

- Hear me out.
- I've heard enough!

Listen for one moment.
Remember when Orm and I were boys?

We'd creep in to listen
to the storytellers.

- What's that to do with it?
- There was a girl.

A dark-skinned girl who used
to sing for you, remember?

- Yeah, I remember.
- Yeah.

- A girl from Egypt.
- That's right.

We brought her back with us
after a winter expedition.

- Yasmin.
- Yasmin.

Skin like honey.
She used to tell one story
we especially loved.

- The story of the bell.
- Right, the Mother of Voices.

- I remember.
- The great golden bell.

Cast long ago by the monks of Byzantium.
A treasure lost for centuries.

The richest prize in all the world,

- That's why I've returned for a new ship.
- What?!

I've found the bell.
- You found it?
- Yes, Father.

- I don't believe you.
- I found it.

Nothing else would've brought me back
after losing my ship.
