
Think of your father, my son,
think of what he sacrificed.

What did he get out of it?
A couple of medals.

No, Gustav, mind your law firm
and stop thinking

of the fatherland.
That's my advice.

Mamma, l'll become a cabinet
minister because l want to.

Gertrud's coming to the
court ball, isn't she?

She's completely
indifferent to it.

-lf you please.
-Thank you.

What do you think about becoming
a cabinet minister's wife?

What shall l say,
it hasn't been decided yet.

The Minister of State will call
at five o'clock.

Listen, let's not forget,
you have to have your money.

l'll get it.
Can't you get
your mother to go?

l've something l want to discuss
with you, something serious.

Mamma dear, unfortunately,
l have a meeting

and Gertrud has to leave.
lt's past four-thirty.
And l have so much to do.

Listen, you didn't get
your money.

-Thank you. Goodbye, Gustav.
-Goodbye, Mamma.

Goodbye, little Gertrud.
Goodbye, mother-in-law.
