
How beautifully you sang. As if l
had never heard the song before.

l'm tired.
l was out on the town
last night.

As usual. ls that necessary
to be an artist?

l don't know. l know only
that l have to.

Some of us wasted away
the night together.

We ended up at a bar where
we played cards

with a couple of con men.
They took all our money.

Nice types - well -
poetic justice.

Did you play too?
l sat mostly, half-asleep, and
meanwhile worked on a motif.

l still have it in my head.
l could make a symphony
out of it,

if l could pull myself together.
You shouldn't go out like that.
You're destroying yourself.

You'll stay home tonight,
won't you?

-l've been invited out.
-With whom?

A guy l know. He's arranged an
apartment for a girl he likes.

Her name is Constance.
lt'll be christened this
evening. l'm going.

Don't go.
Why shouldn't l?
Because l'm asking you not to.
l also asked you something once
that you could've given me.

Erland, there's so much music
in you that wants to get out

into the world,
out among people.

The way you live, it'll die,
perhaps soon,

perhaps sooner than you think.
Your inspirations from a smelly
bar after a sleepless night -

Erland, they're worthless.
Erland - l beg you -
