Mary Poppins

I said my say,
and that´s all I´ll say.

I´ve done with this house forever.
Well, hip, hip, hooray!
And don´t stumble
on the way out, dearie.

Now, now, Katie Nanna!
Mrs Banks! She´s home!
Our daugHter´s daugHters will adore us
and we´ll sing in grateful cHorus

´´Well done,
Sister Suffragette´´

Good evening,
Katie Nanna, Ellen.

We had the most
glorious meeting!

Mrs Whitbourne-Allen chained
herself to the wheel of
the Prime Minister´s carriage.

- You should´ve been there.
- Mrs Banks, I would like
a word with you.

And Mrs Ainslie, she was
carried off to prison...

singing and scattering pamphlets
all the way!

I´m glad you´re home, madam. I´ve
always given the best that´s in me--

Oh, thank you, Katie Nanna.
I always knew you were one of us.
We´re clearly soldiers
in petticoats

And dauntless crusaders
for women´s votes

THougH we adore men

We agree tHat as a group
tHey´re ratHer stupid

- Mrs Banks.
- Cast off tHe sHackles of yesterday

SHoulder to sHoulder
into tHe fray

Our daugHter´s daugHters
will adore us

And tHey´ll sing
in grateful cHorus

´´Well done
Sister Suffragette´´

Being that as it may, I do not
wish to offend, but I--

From Kensington to Billingsgate
one Hears tHe restless cries

From every corner of tHe land
womankind arise

Political equality
and equal rigHts witH men

Take Heart for Mrs PankHurst
Has been clapped in irons again

No more tHe meek and mild
subservients we

We´re figHting for our rigHts

Never you fear
If I may have a word, Mrs Banks.
- So cast off tHe sHackles of yesterday
- Mrs Banks!
