Mary Poppins

Here we are.
Number 1 7 Cherry Tree Lane.

Residence of
George Banks, Esquire.

Hello, hello, hello.
The Admiral´s right.

Heavy weather brewin´
at Number 1 7, and no mistake.

- Leave her alone!
- Shut up!

I´ll show you. Don´t you be trying
to stop the wretched creature!

Let her go, that´s what I say,
and good riddance!

I never liked her from the
moment she set foot in the door.

But who gets stuck with
the children with no nanny
in the house? Me, that´s who!

Her and her high
and mighty ways!

And that face of her that would
stop a coal barge, it would.

Indeed, Mrs Brill! I wouldn´t
stay in this house another minute...

not if you heap me with
all the jewels in Christendom.

No, no, Katie Nanna, don´t go!
Stand away from that door,
my girl!

But what am I gonna tell
the master about the children?

It´s no concern of mine.
Those little beasts have run
away from me for the last time.

They must be somewhere. Did you
look around the zoo in the park?

You know how Jane
and Michael is.

Coo! You don´t think the lion
could´ve got at them, do ya?

You know how fond they was
of hangin´ around the cage.

I said my say,
and that´s all I´ll say.

I´ve done with this house forever.
Well, hip, hip, hooray!
And don´t stumble
on the way out, dearie.

Now, now, Katie Nanna!
Mrs Banks! She´s home!
Our daugHter´s daugHters will adore us
and we´ll sing in grateful cHorus

´´Well done,
Sister Suffragette´´

Good evening,
Katie Nanna, Ellen.

We had the most
glorious meeting!

Mrs Whitbourne-Allen chained
herself to the wheel of
the Prime Minister´s carriage.

- You should´ve been there.
- Mrs Banks, I would like
a word with you.

And Mrs Ainslie, she was
carried off to prison...

singing and scattering pamphlets
all the way!

I´m glad you´re home, madam. I´ve
always given the best that´s in me--

Oh, thank you, Katie Nanna.
I always knew you were one of us.
We´re clearly soldiers
in petticoats

And dauntless crusaders
for women´s votes

THougH we adore men

We agree tHat as a group
tHey´re ratHer stupid
