My Fair Lady

How much?
Now you're talkin'.
I thought you'd come off it
for a chance to get back...

...a bit of what you chucked
at me last night.

You'd had a drop in, 'adn't you?
Sit down.
- Lf you're goin' t' make a compliment of it...
- Sit down!

Sit down, girl. Do as you're told.
What's your name?
Eliza Doolittle.
Won't you sit down, Miss Doolittle?
I don't mind if I do.
How much do you propose
to pay me for these lessons?

Oh, I know what's right.
My lady friend gets French lessons
for 18 pence an hour...

...from a real French gentleman.
You wouldn't have the face
to ask me the same...

...for teachin' me my own language
as you would for French.

I won't give more than a shillin'.
Take it or leave it.

Do you know, Pickering,
if you think of a shilling...

...not as a simple shilling,
but as a percentage of this girl's income...

:29:03 works out as fully equivalent of...
...60 or 70 pounds from a millionaire.
By George, it's enormous.
It's the biggest offer I ever had.

Sixty pounds? What are you talkin' about?
Where would I get 60 pounds?

- I never offered you 60 pounds!
- Hold your tongue!

But I ain't got 60 pounds!
Don't cry, silly girl. Sit down.
Nobody's going to touch your money.

Somebody'll touch you with a broomstick
if you don't stop sniveling.

Sit down!
Anybody'd think you was my father!
If I decide to teach you,
I'll be worse than two fathers to you.

What's this for?
To wipe your eyes. To wipe any part
of your face that feels moist.

Remember, that's your handkerchief
and that's your sleeve.

Don't confuse one with the other,
if you want to become a lady in a shop.

It's no use to talk to her like that.
She doesn't understand you.

Give the 'andkerchief to me.
He give it to me, not to you!
