Per un pugno di dollari

In the shooting script, the movie
begins with a map of the Rio Grande,

or the Río Bravo, as Mexicans call it,
with northern Mexico
and the southern United States.

And it's 1872, New Mexico. You see
the water, you see the mule's feet.

You see the rider go across
the water, and his name is Ray.

He's a Confederate sergeant.
And you see him steal a poncho

off a hatless Mexican peon
who's having a swim in the Rio Grande.

He puts on the poncho, cut,
and then the movie begins.

But in the final version, it's much more
enigmatic, and more iconic as a costume,

because you don't know why he's wearing
it, but he looks at home in Mexico.

This sequence was shot
in Almería, in southern Spain,

at a place called Cortijo el Sotillo,
at San Jose, east of Almería,

and it looks much the same now
as it did then. This is an actual place.

Now, in a traditional Western,
the hero would look at this child,

and take an interest in what was going on.
Perhaps intervene in some way
in what's about to happen.

But Eastwood is simply
having a drink, watching,

sussing out what's happening around him,
he's not going to intervene.

At this stage, he's just an onlooker,
trying to see what's going on.

And the look of Eastwood
is so distinctive in Western terms.

The stubble. American
Western heroes didn't have stubble.

There's the poncho. There's the sort of
laid-back look, the coolness of the hero.

Plus he's a big man on a little mule,
which is interesting.

One of the references in the opening
is to Shane, a favourite with Leone,

where you have a little man on
a big horse, Alan Ladd, at the beginning.

But this is a big man on a mule,
and he's dressed in a very stylish way.

This is a Roman actor called Mario Brega
playing Chico, a sadistic thug,
