Sedotta e abbandonata

l may be wrong, but he's
Matilde's new fiancé.

Poor Matilde!
Peppino was better!
But, if Matilde marries
the Baron...


You're beautiful!
What a heavenly aroma!
There's fennel in it!
-Pardon if we began

with such a heavy dish.
-lt was a great idea!
-lt was my husband's idea.

He said, make a hearty
dish for him because...

Matilde made the pasta.
My compliments!
l prefer pasta...
like ziti and fusilli.
You're an expert!
Just a sympathizer.
What comes after this?

Seeing as today
is Saint John's Day...

''Babalucci'', rhum baba!
Did l guess?

How did you guess?
From the perfume in the air.
''Babalucci to eat,
kiss a girl so sweet,
satisfaction a thing
you'll never meet!''
