Sedotta e abbandonata

He said, make a hearty
dish for him because...

Matilde made the pasta.
My compliments!
l prefer pasta...
like ziti and fusilli.
You're an expert!
Just a sympathizer.
What comes after this?

Seeing as today
is Saint John's Day...

''Babalucci'', rhum baba!
Did l guess?

How did you guess?
From the perfume in the air.
''Babalucci to eat,
kiss a girl so sweet,
satisfaction a thing
you'll never meet!''

Nice, isn't he?
A gentlemen.

Too bad about his teeth!
What a surprising effect!
-They look well together.

We can tell Matilde
the whole truth now.

Not yet... because of his teeth.
He's missing three.
-You can see that?
-And smell it too. Bad breath.

-l'll speak to him about it.
-With the necessary tact.

Let's leave the women
to themselves.

Let's have ourselves
a little chat.

What dentist do you go to?
