The Pink Panther

Won't do you any good.
I can't feel it.

Hoisted on your own petard.
Don't try to say that
when you haven't got any lips.

I'm plastered.
- If that's the right expression.
- That's the right expression.

You're a fraud and a liar.
And you think you are going
to take advantage of me.

No. You think I am.
I know you are.
That's the plan, isn't it?

Feed me champagne...
break down the inhibitions...
and tallyho.
No more virgin queen.
We're all out of champagne.
- I'll get another bottle.
- No!

I prefer to remain conscious
so I may view
the attempted seduction firsthand.

Because you've got
a surprise coming, Charlie.

I got friends in low places.
You make one pass at me,
and I'll sic him on you.

If he moves a muscle,
attack without mercy.

You see, Charlie?
You're outnumbered,
two against one.

And I don't care if you can juggle.
- What?
- I didn't say anything.
