Campanadas a medianoche

I will, my lord.
There are two gentlemen have
in this robbery lost 300 mark.

If he have robb'd these men,
he shall be answerable.

- Farewell.
- Good-night, my lord.

I'll to the court in the morning,
we must all to the wars.

Good-night, my noble lord.
I think it is good-morrow,
is it not?

Indeed, my lord.
We shall have to fight, ha?
Hostess, make ready breakfast.

You owe me money, Sir John!
- I lent thee some 23 pound.
- Go, you thing, go.

Say, what thing?
I am an honest man's wife and...

...setting thy knighthood aside,
thou art a knave to call me so.

Setting thy womanhood aside,
thou art a beast to say other.

- Say, what beast, thou knave?
- What beast?

- Why, an otter.
- An otter, sir John?

Why an otter?
Neither fish nor flesh, a man not
knows where to have' her.

Thou know what thou sayest!
Thou, or any man knows where
to have me. Thou knave, thou!

Thou sayest true,
he slanders thee most grossly.

So he doth you, my lord.
And said this other day that
you ought him 1,000 pound.

- Do I owe you 1,000 pound?
- A million pound, a million.

Thy love is worth a million.
Thou owest me thy love.
My sweet Jack, I must still be
good angel to thee.

My lord, he'd call you
an ass and a crafty...

...he would cudgel you.
- Did you?

As thou art man, I dare, but
as thou art prince...

...I fear thee, as I fear
the lion's whelp.

- Why not as the lion?
- The king is to be feared thus.
