How to Murder Your Wife

Crying spells?
Poor creature. You know what she just told me?
All she has left is what she's wearing,
a bathing suit and a raincoat.

I’m going to borrow your darling wife
for the next few hours...

...and we're going to buy her everything
from lingerie to a mink coat.

I can't get a reading under these conditions!
isn’t that darling? You know what she said?
She said she has a coat
and she doesn't wear underwear.

Come with me, I’ll take care of everything.
You're a member of the club now.
A full-fledged member!

-is this the Ford residence?
-Yes. Who are you? What do you want?

Mrs. Ford told me to put this stuff in the kitchen.

Pardon me. is this the Ford residence?
Yes, but....
