Obchod na korze

There were Pharaohs -
and pyramids before.


But it's aII ashes now...
and onIy shame is Ieft.

These are serious things,
Mr. Kuchar.

Yes, very serious, very.
Take 50 cubic meters of wood
at 1 500 crowns

that is three times five.
Yes, but peopIe get good wages!
Don't you?...You are a skiIIed
carpenter, aren't you?

Yes...but I have a nagging wife.
Remember, Mr. Kuchar, when
I made that gate for you?

What I need right now are some
good materiaIs.

His ExceIIency is coming! Have
you been waiting for him, Tony?

I'd better go now!
What are you running away for?

Are you scared of your own

He can go to the deviI -
my own brother-in-Iaw.

HoId on! If you wait Iong enough,
you may see the day!

Look how fat he's grown.
AII those pig-sIaughters
and the good wine!

He's as fat as a bishop!
Never mind a bishop?

An archbishop!
The IocaI god.

To me he is the same as ever.
A good-for-nothing Ioafer -

the bigshot commander!
If I had a
brother-in-Iaw Iike him,

I'd get a cushy job myseIf.
WeII, smiIe at him!
SmiIe, wiII you?

WeII - what is it?
We are going!
What have l ever done
to deserve such a husband?

Move off, you beast - you are
as bad as your master!

Shut up!
