Obchod na korze

ActuaIIy, I am quite pIeased.
I'II go up to the town-haII
and teII them what they can do
with their decree

trying to cheat decent peopIe.
You are just Iike
a IittIe boy.

What wiII you, teII them?
That KoIkocky cheated you

that this is no goId mine but
a broken down, diIapidated hoIe?

They'II show you the door!
No one is going to make
a fooI of me!

Let them try their tricks
on others.

Look Tony, I'd much rather
you took over the shop

than another stupid Iout.
We can reach an agreement.

Mrs. Lautmann hasn't died
of starvation yet

and you won't regret it either.
What am I supposed to do?
You? Nothing.
We can arrange things
to work both ways.

You never know when
you wiII need it.

I couId have been Iooking down
from that picture

and oId Lautmann couId have
been standing here with you.

I stiII remember the day
in the trenches

buIIets whistIing past my head.
One of us had to stick
his head out.

Lautmann did - and I am here.
A buIIet hit him in the head.
My mother aIways bought buttons
from Mrs. Lautmann.

Oh, tea! Tea, tea, tea!
Thank you. No one makes such
good tea as you do, RosaIie!

Jasmine tea.
Tony, come and sit down.
Sit down, make yourseIf at home,
sit down.

Do you know who this gentIeman
is, RosaIie? You don't?

That's the one I toId you about -
LiIIy's cousin

I've toId you often enough.
He said he'd come to heIp you
with the store.

For a month or two...
maybe even Ionger -

Yes, LiIIy's cousin.
Don't you remember?

Is that him?
But Mr. Kuchar, what are you
taIking about?

I am the ''Arisator'',
not some ''heIp''.

Don't interfere.
I know what I'm doing!

She doesn't know anything
about the ''Arisation''.

Maybe she doesn't even know
there's a war.

What did the young man say?
But what are you going to do,
Mr. Kuchar?

He said he wiII come,
but tomorrow

and as often as you need him.
