Obchod na korze

It's up to you to decide what
to do with her.

I don't want her
on my conscience.

Victory is ours!
We'II get rid of our enemies!
Chase aII the Jews out of town!

That pIague!
We'II hang out a white fIag
as a sign of our victory!

A white fIag as a sign
of our victory -

and the monument to shine
into the night -

our eternaI monument
wiII shine forever!

We are Slovaks born and bred
none of us will come
empty handed out of this,

fight to the death, fight hard,
till Slovaks rule in Slovakia

Mrs. Lautmann! Mrs. Lautmann!
Oh, dear God! Who is it?
TerribIe things are going on.
Mrs. Lautmann...
I've come to warn you.

TerribIe things...they'II be
taking you away tomorrow.

You've been drinking!
I have...I have...
but you have to hide!

To hide! Do you hear me?
Do you understand?

You must hide...
whiIe there is stiII time!

He's drunk.
Of course I'II hide you...
come...go into the shop.

I'II join you!
The troubIe I have.
My beloved has written a letter
that l should come

to see her to Ruzomberok
my beloved,
you are calling me in vain,

l have to stay in the army,
l can't go away

Don't turn the Iights on!
For God's sake - what
are you doing, Mrs. Lautmann?

Is this for me? I don't want...
I didn't come to...

Don't you worry...
Such things happen
to the young
and to the oId.
