
So what if you need to take
care of financial matters?!

I'd like you to pay what
you owe us, and...

...kindly ask that you return
home for the time being.

If our Sagamiya is to
your liking, then...

...please come back again
at a later date.

Since you demand it
of me, I will leave.

But, let me tell you, lady...
I've got no money!

But... if you tell
me that...

:33:33'll be in trouble
if I don't pay...

...then I guarantee that
I'll get the money...

...after I leave, that is.
Please don't be concerned
about the bill, sir.

I merely ask that
you leave.

You're so aloof...
You're so aloof...
Oh! Wh... What are you doing...?

So aloof...
Listen you, sooner or later...
I will become...

...a full-fledged, two-sword retainer with
four or five-hundred koku in income!

When that happens, Okiku... I will
come here, to make you my wife!

Enough kidding around!
If you don't stop, I will be forced
to call in the Constables!

Lady... how much
do I owe ya?

I don't care
about that!

However, I ask that you never
come here again!

As long as I pay,
I'm a customer.

No... perhaps it is you who
owe me money, lady.

Listen, Okiku... I've become like this...
like a stray dog... because of you.
