That Darn Cat!

- You did say "fur"?
- Correct.

- You want us to follow a cat?
- That's the assignment.

How do you follow a cat?
They go through fences and culverts.
They climb trees and phone poles.

Wither he goest, you will go.
- You have a question, Graham?
- I've got an old dog

who's a lot better
at tracking cats than I am.

We don't have time for comments.
I'd like to remind you,
a woman's life is involved here.

- Sorry.
- Okay.

Now, tonight you'll take up
your initial positions

in the area surrounding
the Randall house, here.

When the informant leaves,
it'll be our job to contain him loosely,

within a moving, fluid perimeter.
It's important he doesn't
become aware of us

as this might alter
his regular nocturnal behavior.

Hold it.
Who do you think you're kidding?

- What do you mean?
- You think I don't know

- what's going on upstairs?
- You do?

I didn't come in from Stupidsville
on last night's bus.

- You've got a woman in that apartment.
- Hold it. What does that mean?

Don't double-talk me.
I've got ears, haven't I?

Uh, it's Dan's mother.
She come in unexpected, sudden-like.
We didn't know. That's all.

I don't care if it's Pocahontas.
You got three people living there,
and that'll cost you another 20 dollars.

- I'll bring it right down.
- Don't bother.

I'll come up and get it.
I like to know my tenants.

- Can't. She's sick.
- What's wrong with her?

- Nothing catching, is it?
- It's her nervous system.

It's all fouled up.
She can't stand visitors.

- We gotta leave, gotta get out of here.
- What for?

The old battle-ax knows
we got a dame up here.
