That Darn Cat!

He's gone.
Pawprints everywhere!
Yeah, except on the card.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Aha. The best pawprint I ever made.
The first point I wish to make
is that time is not on our side.

The word is move,
and move swiftly.

We're gonna follow an informant whose
information may or may not be reliable.

However, he could lead us
to the Miller kidnappers.

Okay, here's the physical.
Name of the informant: DC Randall.

Nationality: Siamese.
Sex: Male.

Eyes: Blue.
Weight: 17 pounds.

- Seventeen pounds?
- Exactly.

Hair, or in this case, fur:
Black streaked with tan and white.

- You did say "fur"?
- Correct.

- You want us to follow a cat?
- That's the assignment.

How do you follow a cat?
They go through fences and culverts.
They climb trees and phone poles.

Wither he goest, you will go.
- You have a question, Graham?
- I've got an old dog

who's a lot better
at tracking cats than I am.

We don't have time for comments.
I'd like to remind you,
a woman's life is involved here.

- Sorry.
- Okay.

Now, tonight you'll take up
your initial positions

in the area surrounding
the Randall house, here.

When the informant leaves,
it'll be our job to contain him loosely,

within a moving, fluid perimeter.
It's important he doesn't
become aware of us

as this might alter
his regular nocturnal behavior.
